Dr Dagba

Implantology - surgery

Dr Alex Dagba - chirurgien dentiste paris - implantologie

Dr. Alex Dagba graduated from Paris V University, René Descartes, and obtained his dental degree (DDS) in 2009. He completed a specialization in implantology following a 2-year full time at New York University, and thus holds a Post-Graduate in implantology. He now practices in Paris, in the 9th and 16th arrondissements.

His activity is oriented in Implantology and Periodontology. The work philosophy he promotes emphasizes minimally invasive approaches

In addition to his clinical activity, he devotes an amount of his time to complementary professional ventures.
Writing scientific publications, teaching as part of various University Diplomas, training for colleagues, national and international conferences are part those additional activities.

He was also a teaching assistant in Aesthetic Dentistry in the Dental department of Charles Foix Hospital, attached to the Paris V University.

Since 2016, he has been chief-editor of the french Quintessence International implantology journal, Titane.

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